July 3, 2010

Burton vs. ZUCA : who’s shredding the beauty trail?

Increasingly, I have noticed that there is an influx of hair and makeup artists who are using popular brands of snowboarding bags as their kit bags when on location shoots. I was in the market for a new bag myself, (my trusted Swiss Army bag was literally falling to bits after two years of hard core location/ NYC street travel) but  I had no idea where to start.  I’d seen a few possible contenders on set and asked a lot of my colleagues about why they chose the ones they did etc, etc. but in the end, I did what I usually do and went online to suss out the various bag configurations, body shapes and brands . I knew I needed a bag that was robust, with great wheels ( skater wheels are the best as the bearings are made super strong to handle tough terrain and easy to replace if needed ) and it had to be stylish too. No self-respecting freelancer would run around town, country or world with a crappy looking bag in tow!

Zuca Versus Burton Rolling bags

» Read the rest of this entry …

July 2, 2010

I want MOR, I really really do!

More or Less? A Lip Balm Exposé

MOR or Less? Lip Balm exposé

I am a sucker for pretty packaging. I admit it. But like dating a gorgeous hunk of a guy with not much upstairs, (was I too focused on what was downstairs???) the pretty packaging wears off really fast if there’s nothing there to give it substance. Ok to be fair, I must confess that I am a long- married lady so it’s been awhile since the dating scene, but you girl’s know what I am talking about, right?  Likewise, this same sentiment can be applied to the slew of new beauty products out there. Some look like tantalizing little nuggets of beauty wonder, and others not so inspiring. But what makes for really exciting nouvelle maquillage ? I think it’s a combination of effectiveness and straightforward good looks. I for one, tend to like simpler things but every once in awhile, I go off the track and clammer for the glamour. I guess it wasn’t surprising to me that I would be drawn to baroque packaging and sweet smelling MOR Cosmetics. » Read the rest of this entry …

Burberry’s New Trench

Burberry's Newest classic

I have just learned about the coming launch of Burberry Beauty, the latest addition to their style roster. Set to release in July at Nordstrom and Burberry.com, the 98 piece collection is based on their  iconic Trench. The colors are soft and muted and range from cool blues and lavenders to warm beige and rose. They look quite luxurious as you might imagine any high end fashion brands beauty collection might. I cannot say for say from certain as I have not seen any of it in person but hope to get some in as soon at it’s available. I will keep you all up to date and let you know my thoughts as soon as I test drive a few key items.